정가 $44.99

Pattern play blocks are a great introduction to math concepts like sorting, matching, symmetry, congruence and fractions.
This high-quality set fits just-so into its wood tray, with vibrant colors and unusual shapes that build spatial skills.
Vibrant colors and unusual shapes build spatial and artistic skills.
They can fit all the blocks into the tray like a puzzle, build free-form designs, or match a pattern shown on a card.
Includes 40 exceptionally well finished wood blocks, a 10 1/2" square wood building tray, 40 pattern cards and a drawstring canvas storage bag.
Fun and educational toys for children all ages
Will stimulate your mind and entertain
Unique and innovative toys and games
Blocks have graduated from the playroom to the boardroom
Kids can create endless patterns with this high-quality 40-block set. Vibrant colors and unusual shapes help build spatial and artistic skills
Includes 40 wood blocks, 40 pattern cards, tray, and muslin storage bag

Ages: 3+Years

Box Dimensions (mm) : 290 x 290 x 45