Grey Velvet Kitten - Handmade in CANADA

Wild Design

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Handmade in CANADA

 Russian Blue, Grey Lavender Kitten, plush collectible for home or office decor. Perch on a shelf, or put in your car, closet or drawer to freshen and scent.
This makes a lovely keepsake lavender gift for a cat lover.
Soft gray velvet plush, luminous green eyes attached with safety washers, filled with organic lavender buds, fibrefill, and plastic pellets for weight. Whiskers are soft sewing thread.
Size 5" long (13cm)) plus tail
Weight 200 grams (7 ounces)
This design was inspired by my little grey cat, Minnie Mouse. She lived to age 21 ! We drove twice across Canada together.

This is a teen/adult collectible , not recommended for children under 5 years.